Hitch Home Equity
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Hitch Home Equity
Before You Apply
Before You Apply
Rate and Cost
Before You Apply
What type of properties are eligible?
What type of home ownerships are eligible?
Do you lend to investment properties and second/vacation homes?
Do I need to have insurance coverage?
What can I do with a home equity line of credit?
Is Hitch Home Equity Line tax deductible?
Can I get a loan on my paid off home?
What is Hitch's privacy policy?
Is my personal information secure?
How is my account secure during the application process if I don’t need a password?
Will checking my rate impact my credit?
How long does it take to get approved for a loan?
What are the employment requirements?
What discounts are available?
What Credit Unions has Hitch Partnered with and what benefits are offered?
What if I want to opt out of being a credit union member later?
I just refinanced my property with another lender, how long should I wait before applying for a Hitch Home Equity Line of Credit?